Truukjes section done, needs checking though
authorMart Lubbers <>
Wed, 11 Jun 2014 20:14:20 +0000 (22:14 +0200)
committerMart Lubbers <>
Wed, 11 Jun 2014 20:14:20 +0000 (22:14 +0200)
Notes need to be made for all the slides, als more detailed agent forwarding
needs to be explained

img/firefox_socks.png [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/img/firefox_socks.png b/img/firefox_socks.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9c20532
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/firefox_socks.png differ
index 9a9fda6..65205fa 100644 (file)
--- a/pres.tex
+++ b/pres.tex
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index 546a4ba..37f6ea6 100644 (file)
--- a/truuk.tex
+++ b/truuk.tex
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
        \frametitle{Public key authentication}
-       \begin{block}{Standaard key file}
-               \textasciitilde/.ssh/idrsa\\
+       \begin{block}{Nut}
+               Mogelijk geen wachtwoord en veiliger
        \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
-               \lstinline{\$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/keyfile}
+               \lstinline{ssh -i ~/.ssh/keyfile}
        \begin{block}{Config file}
+       \frametitle{Public key authentication}
+       \framesubtitle{Genereren van een sleutelpaar}
+       \begin{block}{\$ ssh-keygen}
+               \begin{lstlisting}
+Generating public/private rsa key pair.
+Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
+               /home/user/.ssh/github
+Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
+Enter same passphrase again: 
+Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/github.
+Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/
+The key fingerprint is:
+92:92:6e:b8:3f:d5:76:e8:1b:73:ed:97:c4:e5:87:ba user@system
+The key's randomart image is:
++--[ RSA 2048]----+
+|                 |
+|                 |
+|                 |
+|     . .        .|
+|    o o.S.   . + |
+|   o ...+ ..  + o|
+|  . o. oo.. .o ..|
+|   o.   .+ .. o  |
+|  ....  ..  Eo   |
+               \end{lstlisting}
+       \end{block}
+       \frametitle{Public key authentication}
+       \framesubtitle{Installeren van een sleutel}
+       \begin{block}{Publieke sleutel: \textasciitilde/.ssh/}
+               \begin{lstlisting}
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBrgcK05XzRRbtmPyXQner5ef8
+GhYyPm1VMVM+NvaYQZXxGfLpoDoP2V+deD+gP5DuC8WW4LSGnkHKhDEin0Yl mar
+               \end{lstlisting}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Geheime sleutel: \textasciitilde/.ssh/github}
+               \begin{lstlisting}
+               \end{lstlisting}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Installeren op de server}
+               De inhoud van het publieke bestand moet in
+               \lstinline{~/.ssh/authorized_keys} komen te staan
+       \end{block}
        \frametitle{X forwarding}
+       \begin{block}{Nut}
+               Grafische programma's draaien op een machine die niet perse binnen
+               handbereik is.
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
+               \lstinline{ssh -X}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Config file}
+               \lstinline{ForwardX11 yes}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Caveat}
+               Veiligheid
+       \end{block}
        \frametitle{Port forwarding}
+       \begin{block}{Nut}
+               Onversleutelde communicatie versleutelen
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
+               \lstinline{ssh -L port:host:hostport}\\
+               \lstinline{ssh -R port:host:hostport}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Config file}
+               \lstinline{LocalForward port host:hostport}\\
+               \lstinline{RemoteForward port host:hostport}
+       \end{block}
        \frametitle{Agent forwarding}
+       \begin{block}{Nut}
+               Je SSH cache meenemen naar een andere server
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
+               \lstinline{ssh -A user@system}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Config file}
+               \lstinline{ForwardAgent yes}
+       \end{block}
        \frametitle{SOCKS proxy}
+       \begin{block}{Nut}
+               Al je internet verkeer via een \textit{vertrouwde} locatie laten lopen
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
+               \lstinline{ssh -D port}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Config file}
+               \lstinline{DynamicForward port}
+       \end{block}
+       \pause
+       \begin{block}{Instellen in Chromium}
+               \lstinline{chromium --proxy-server="socks5://host:8080" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE host"}
+       \end{block}
+       \frametitle{Instellen in Firefox}
+       Edit - Preferences - Advanced - Network - Settings
+       \includegraphics[width=200px]{./img/firefox_socks.png}