[martlubbers.net.git] / dvorak.html
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3 <title>Dvorak resources</title>
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7 <p>Since about 2011 I've started using dvorak as my main keyboard layout and like the efficiency compared to QWERTY.</p>
9 <h2>Dvorak russian (2014-10-07)</h2>
10 <p>When learning russian I had to type some stuff in russian, as I found
11 out that there was a phonetic keyboard I was excited but it didn't work on
12 dvorak layout. So some guy named Oleg made a phonetic russian keyboard
13 layout in dvorak and you can download it
14 <a href="files/phonetic_dvorak.gz">here</a>. When you want to use it you
15 have to append the information from the file to
16 <pre>/usr/share/X11//xkb/symbols/ru</pre>
17 When you want to load it you can
18 type
19 <pre>setxkbmap -layout ru -variant phonetic_dvorak</pre>
20 </p>
22 <h2>Dvorak in dos</h2>
23 <p>To use dvorak in dos download this <a href="files/dvorak_dos.tar">file</a> containing dvorak.com<br />
24 Transfer it to your C:\DOS folder for example and add this to your AUTOEXEC.bat:
25 <pre>C:\DOS\DVORAK.COM</pre>
26 When your computer boots the program will say DVORAK is loaded and you're good to go</p>
28 <h2>Dvorak in dosbox</h2>
29 <p>Dvorak is also usable in dosbox via a custom mapper file that your can find <a href="files/dvorak-0.74.map">here</a><br />
30 You can enable the layout by saving this in your settings directory and <pre>mapperfile=dvorak-0.74.map</pre> to your sdl section of your dosbox config.</p>
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