[] /
1 ---
2 title: Wifi without network manager
3 date: 2020-09-16
4 ---
5 With this setup, `wpa_supplicant` automatically changes network when needed.
6 Moreover, the network can be changed in userspace and new networks can be added.
7 All withouth the bloat of `NetworkManager` and `ModemManager`.
9 ## Table of contents
11 - [Requirements](#requirements)
12 - [`wpa_supplicant`](#wpa_supplicant)
13 - [`wpa_supplicant.conf`](#wpa_supplicantconf)
14 - [`wpa_gui`](#wpa_gui)
15 - [Eduroam](#eduroam)
16 - [update: cat broken](#update)
17 - [openssl update](#openssl)
18 - [interaction](#interaction)
20 ## Requirements
22 - `wpa_supplicant`
23 - `wpa_gui`
26 ## `wpa_supplicant`
27 `/etc/network/interfaces` needs for direct use with a `wpa_supplicant` daemon.
28 This is done by setting the wireless network as follows.
30 ```
31 allow-hotplug wlp2s0
32 iface wlp2s0 inet manual
33 wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
34 ```
36 This basically means that a `wpa_supplicant` will be watching the networks specified in the config and switch when in range.
37 Note that the `iface` is set to `manual` and not `dhcp`.
38 This means that below those lines you can configure your networks from the config manually.
39 So say that you have a network in the `wpa_supplicant.conf` with `id_str="work"` that needs to be configured with dhcp, you add the following lines:
41 ```
42 iface work inet dhcp
43 ```
45 Setting `id_str`s for all networks is tedious so to create a default setting you can use the `default` network name to for example set all wifi networks to dhcp.
47 ```
48 iface default inet dhcp
49 ```
51 ## `wpa_supplicant.conf`
52 The config file for `wpa_supplicant` should at least contain the following lines.
53 The `interface` line defines the control socket and states that all users in the `netdev` group may control `wpa_supplicant`.
54 The `update_config` line states that the config file may be updated, thus having persistent changes.
55 Users you allow changing the config therefore have to be added to `netdev`.
57 <pre>
58 interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
59 update_config=1
60 </pre>
62 <p>
63 Followed are all the network configurations.
64 For these configuration consult the manpage for `wpa_supplicant`.
65 E.g. for `WPA2` networks you can use the `wpa_passphrase` tool.
66 For eduroam, don't handcraft configs either, use the [configuration assistant](
67 This tool will generate a `wpa_supplicant.conf` if it fails to talk to networkmanager.
68 </p>
70 ## `wpa_gui`
71 Editing the config file is tedious and error prone.
72 Moreover, it requires a restart of `wpa_supplicant` to reinistate the config.
73 Luckily there are two tools that allow you to do this in-place using either the command line (`wpa_cli` is not discussed here) and via a GUI(`wpa_gui`).
74 If your user is a member of the `netdev` group you can just start it up.
75 Note that it resides by default in `/usr/sbin`.
76 `wpa_gui` is a graphical frontend where you can add, remove, diagnose and change wireless networks with _almost_ as much functionality as `wpa_cli`.
78 ## Eduroam
79 Eduroam gives a nice configuration assistant tools nowadays that will generate a `wpa_supplicant.conf` entry for you.
80 Previously you could hash your password using md4 but I haven't tested whether this still works.
82 ### update: cat broken
83 The tool worked before&trade; but not anymore on my debian testing version.
84 Therefore I've pasted my config here for later reference.
85 You get the `ca_cert` from the assistant tool.
86 I might upload that here as well.
88 ```
89 network={
90 ssid="eduroam"
91 proto=RSN
92 key_mgmt=WPA-EAP
93 pairwise=CCMP
94 auth_alg=OPEN
95 eap=PEAP
96 identity=""
97 anonymous_identity=""
98 password="YOURPASSWORD"
99 # ca_cert="/home/frobnicator/.cat_installer/ca.pem"
100 domain_suffix_match=""
101 phase2="auth=MSCHAPV2"
102 }
103 ```
105 ### openssl update (not needed anymore)
106 The new version of openssl disables everything lower than TLSv1.2.
107 If you see errors in `/var/log/syslog` about `TLS` you have to allow lower version TLS versions by changing the last two lines in `/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf` to:
109 ```
110 MinProtocol = TLSv1.0
111 CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1
112 ```
114 ## Interaction with wired interfaces
115 When you have an ethernet jack as well in your laptop you might be tempted to put this in your `/etc/network/interfaces` as well
117 ```
118 auto enp0s31f6
119 iface enp0s31f6 inet dhcp
120 ```
122 However, this results in your machine eagerly waiting for a connection at boot because a _connected_ ethernet jack means a connected card, and the card is always connected in a laptop.
123 `ifupdown-extra` contains scripts to fix this.
124 Just link `/etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable` to `/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/00check-network-cable` and be good to go.
125 If your system has _predictable_ network names you might need to apply [this]( patch first.